Springing into Action: Reflecting on Our 2024 We Are Not Alone Tour

As we journey through 2024 on our RISExSAFE 10 year anniversary, 10 city tour, each step brings us closer to our mission of amplifying youth voices and inspiring change. With only one county left on our 10-year anniversary tour, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the impactful moments and connections we’ve made along the way.

One of the most profound aspects of this journey has been the unexpected connections we’ve experienced. From meeting a student who watched my TEDx talk from all the way across the country and then saw me coming to speak at her school 2 years later, to witnessing the lasting impact of our work through their stories, every encounter reinforces the importance of our mission.

Another highlight of this year has been the opportunity to bring our son along for the ride. Seeing the impact of our work through his eyes has added a new layer of meaning to our efforts, reminding us of the importance of the work we do for future generations.

This past week was particularly special as we had the privilege of speaking at Seminole County High Schools. Over the course of 8 high schools and engaging with up to 5,000 students, we shared powerful stories, emphasizing the message that there is #noshame in asking for help and that every story matters. The overwhelming response and gratitude from students further fuel our commitment to this cause.
Huge thanks goes out to Seminole County Sheriffs Department, Brevard Prevention Coalition, SAFE Project, and NAMI Greater Orlando for making this week of presentations possible!

As we approach the conclusion of our tour, we are filled with gratitude for the unwavering support and dedication of everyone who has joined us along the way. Your commitment to amplifying youth voices and inspiring change is what drives us forward.

With one county left on our tour, we look ahead with anticipation and excitement for the future. Together, let’s continue to amplify youth voices and create a world where every young person feels inspired to share their story.

#RISETOGETHER #YouthVoice #MentalHealthAwareness #NoShame

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